Easy Biscuits and Gravy Recipe
We love breakfast. And by "we love", I mean we eat it for lunch and dinner as well. Fried egg sandwiches, hash browns, eggs Benedict, pancakes and bacon, are some of our favorite things to eat.... all the time. But there is one breakfast that holds a coveted spot for Daniel and I, Biscuits and Gravy.I was always intimidated at the thought of making it from scratch because I'm not the best baker and didn't want to end up with dry biscuits. Luckily for me, I found the easiest and tastiest biscuit recipe over at Allrecipes.com! After a quick read through of the recipe I felt confident I could make them.Then, I set out to make the perfect gravy, and after some testing of my recipe I finally landed on one we love!Start off by mixing up your biscuits (checkout that AllRecipes.com recipe I mentioned above) and tossing them in the oven, then make your gravy.
Sausage Gravy:16 oz ground pork sausage1/2 of a small chopped onion2 Tblsp white flour1/2 Tblsp butter3 cups milk1/2 tsp salt1/2 tsp pepper1/4 tsp garlic powderStart by browning your sausage. Once it is about half way cooked through add your chopped onions and let them finish sauteing with the pork.
After your onions and pork are cooked through add 2 tblsp of flour into the pan and stir it in well then toss in the butter, let that cook for approx 5 min. Then add in your milk and let them simmer, as the milk heats up and starts to bubble you will feel your sauce thicken. This part requires some patience, let it simmer low and slow and your sauce will thicken nicely (approx 10-15min after your first bubbles appear). Add in your salt, pepper, and garlic powder. But please note that the salt and pepper are only starting points! The amount of salt and pepper you need will depend on the type of sausage you use, so taste as you go and add according to your liking. I wouldn't add more than the 1/4 tsp of garlic powder, that would overpower your gravy.The finished product: