Front Yard Makeover Stage 1: The Before
To say that our front yard is an eyesore would be like saying chicken pox aren't that bad. Till now, we've focused
most all of our renovation time and budget on the backyard and interior of the house (the spaces we live the most life together). The front yard is a combination of desert landscaping (not the pretty kind - just 4 inches deep of mixed rock), dirt, and un-killable weeds.We've decided that our curb appeal has been neglected long enough, and so we've embarked on operation Front Yard Makeover. I spent most of this last Saturday with a shovel and wheelbarrow, getting as much rock out of the front third of the yard as possible in preparation for some fresh sod with roses lining the fence. I woke up Saturday morning confident digging all the rock out would take me about an hour.As the sun finished setting, I packed up the shovels and wheelbarrow, glad to have at least moved most of the rock out. Lesson learned: don't be over-ambitious. Digging is hard. Rocks are heavy.
Next Steps
- Get the rest of the rock out
- Trench & lay sprinklers
- Finish the picket fence, add a gate
- Lay Sod
- Plant Roses
- Rejoice
Please leave a comment with your wisdom if you have ANY tips on easy ways to get rock out of a yard.